Guest Blogger: Linda Thomas-Sundstrom
The winner of Linda's book is: Vickie! Congratulations, Vickie. Send me your contact info and I'll pass it along to Linda. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Can we say that "supernatural" is super ?
We sure can. Whether creepy, spooky, funny, or just plain whacked-out, supernatural fare seems to be ruling the day.
We sure can. Whether creepy, spooky, funny, or just plain whacked-out, supernatural fare seems to be ruling the day.
And I, for one, am loving every second of it.
I'm a "paranormal" writer, through and through. No matter how hard I try to write a straight novel or romance, it turns south toward that big "P." It's just something in my blood, I guess. In our family, when I was growing up, telling spooky stories or watching spooky movies was a part of our weekend routine. At that time, supernatural and paranormal were considered "out of the box." Today, it's everywhere.
Do any of you have the need to delve into the supernatural realms? An experience with it that lends a twitch of reality to your lives?

My first book was fantasy called Cafe Heaven (An autobiography of the Afterlife), about a guy, a diner, a blonde recruiter for the devil's side of the pavement, and the infamous old Route 66. That book was dedicated to my father, who I'm sure whispered the words to me from the Great Beyond.
My next story was a Kensington Brava's first vampire story. The anthology created around it was titled Immortal Bad Boys. My tale was dark historical vampire fare.
Then I just had this story in my head that was so opposite from the dark vampire historical, that I took an entire year to write the whole book: Barbie & the Beast. Light, fluffy, girl, werewolfy fun. Not serious in the least, my blurb on this book would be: A romp through the world of paranormal dating.
And Barbie & the Beast will arrive on bookstore shelves this April 1st from Dorchester. Yay !
Lo and behold, after that, I turned back to my darker side, and garnered a 5 book contract from Silhouette's Nocturne imprint. More Werewolves. Blackout was a January Nocturne Bites novella ebook release at, and Wolf Bait followed last month in February, also as a Bite. Now I'm writing the full books that will make this a series, and am thrilled to be back into the paranormal realm of my imagination.
So - I write both light and dark. Two sides of my paranormal personality - for different publishers. I write what I want to because the fun and joy of writing is what counts. Selling is supernatural in itself these days, so I believe that writers have to keep a good outlook and write what makes us happy.
I am so thrilled to be writing these days, that I can't wait to get to a keyboard, or hold a blank piece of paper in my hands. Though I do have a day job (teacher), and a family (adorable), and some acreage that needs tending (country girl) . . . I have to share with all of you my love for writing.
The beauty is this journey goes from mind to paper. The process of telling a story from start to finish was and continues to be, for me, the ultimate reward.
Anyone here love the paranormal, and writing, as much as I do?
Love, Linda Thomas-Sundstrom
Linda will give away a signed copy of one of her backlist to one lucky commenter. The winner will be posted Tuesday evening here.
Thanks Ms. Lynda for having Ms. Sundstrom! I absolutely LOVE paranormal books! I will admit though, my first book in the paranormal world was the Twilight series. My daughter was interested in them, so we read them together so we could have a "mini book club." It was great; we would discuss the book and our views of what we thought about it. Well... after reading all four books, I was wanting more! But on more of an adult level. So low and behold I picked up The Vampire Shrink and feel head over heels in love with the paranormal world and have not turned back since. So I am very much looking forward to putting your book list on my TBR list!
When a friend of mine introduced me to The Dark-Hunter series many years ago I became addicted to the Paranormal genre. I'm always looking for new authors and series to read. My favorite show on now is Supernatural, I have some friends over every Thursday night for the latest episode. Glad to have you here today, I just added you to my new author list!
Hi Lynda and Linda!
I've been reading paranormal for about 4 years and blogging about it since last year. Barbie and the Beast sounds like fun. You're not kidding about April 1, right?
Hi everyone- thanks for leaving comments. Thrilled to be here.
First repsonse has to be that the cover of BARBIE & the BEAST posted here is in negative form or something. Looks like blogger didn't get it transferred in correct colors. Please do check out my web site to see it in full color cuz I just think it's adorable.And I had been biting my nails over this cover.
Now - Sci Fi guy... you know... I did not make that connection with April 1 ! Sheesh. I think it takes a "Sci-FI GUY" to think of connections like that. What a joke on me if Dorchester thought of it, eh? And sent me a note with big letters saying "Just kidding!"
I'd be beyond fainting. I'd be dropping into another (Jaws soundtrack here) DIMENSION !
Also- it's the Barbie doll's 50th Anniversary this year, and she's showing up everywhere. So I sure hope all of the doll fans will smile when they see my title.
Cecile = The Twilight series IS from another dimension. ha. We're all wondering where Meyers came from. Mars, maybe? Sent here to titilate us with so much neat stuff? So glad you stumbled into the paranormal world and will be joining us on this journey. Yay. And since you also like LIGHT fare, Barbie & the Beast (and moi) might be right upo your alley. Hopefully. Fingers are crossed.
Tetewa = Oooh, Dark Hunter and Supernatural TV is a big clue that you like your paranormal dark and yummy. You'll get hiccups over "Barbie & the Beast" (think of this book as champagne) and probably like my darker stuff as the main course in your big paranormal dinner.
Glad to have another fan of the darker side of the big "P" here with us today. I'm right there with ya on the Supernatural TV thing.
Hey Linda! Loved your Bites. Hope to read more in the future. Can you tell us what you're up to right now? What are you currently working on?
I know what you mean about the big P creeping in, I started to write a regency a while ago and all of a sudden there was shapeshifter in there*g*.
I love paranormal from Ghost Hunters to Heroes!
I'll be on the llok out for your book!
Karin Shah
Available now!
Samhain Publishing
Thanks for the great post. Your books sound really good.
I love the paranormal genre and have for years. I am always looking for new authors and books and will usually end up picking a paranormal book over any other.
Hi Jeanne D - Thanks for the kudos on the NOcturne Bites. I l-o-v-e-d writing those dark werewolf short stories for Nocturne. And right now, as part of a 5-book contract for Nocturne, I'm finishing up the full books that further the series started with "Blackout" and "Wolf Bait" those first two Bites.
(They're on sale at
Each book in this series, tenatatively titled "Transitions," is about a couple finding each other through the "transition" of changing from human form into some darker thing. In this case, it's werewolves.
Background for the series is that a criminal werewolf in Miami is biting innocent people. Hence, these unexpected transitions. More about this criminal will appear in full Nocturne book one, which is the one I'm finishing up now. In the final book all six couples will team up to try to take this criminal wolf down.
Thanks for asking about the future. I'm hyped by the Nocturne interest in my werewolves - and of course "BARBIE AND THE BEAST" has its own wolf, too.
Is this the year of the wolf?
Karin - did you get the Regency with the werewolf published? Now THAT is right up my alley. Way to go, girl!
Donna - I'm with ya on that, too. I pass right by the tame stuff and my eyes snag on the paranormal covers and titles.
I wonder what you've been reading? Can you dish?
Hi, Linda! Welcome to Paranormality. It's great to have you here. I copied a photo of your book from your website, so the colors should be good now.
Hi, Cecile! Nice to see you SciFiGuy! Welcome everyone.
Hugs, Lynda
I started making up paranormal stories in my head to counteract the nightmares I'd have as a little girl... take something good and turn it into bad. The side effect of this is, now I'm a freaky chick and fangs turn me on. LOL
Gee Vanessa - most people's nightmares ARE the paranormal part of their day. Whoa. And you turned this around - made your stories something special for you that has carried though to now. Good for you! And now you've joined us in our love affair with the supernatural. Welcome, woman!
This is what I absolutely love about blogging! I can go to my blog-roll and get introduced to even more books and authors to add to my Wanton Book-Yearn List! Added and highlighted (for get this one fast) CAFE HEAVEN.
What a fun guest blog today!
Lynda wiht a Y in her name --- thanks for fixing the cover art. Google sometimes does this...
Maybe SciFi Guy here can tell us if it's alien interference? All this talk about the paranormal....
I have a contest running today on the FRESH FICTION review site - Find my "Barbie & the Beast" contest announcement - read, and be up for winning a retro barbie bracelet.
I mean, why not?
SciFi Guy can zap in into the hands of some gal or other if he were to win, right?
And I forgot to comment on how much I love reading paranormal. I have been reading it for lo these many years. Not even sure just how long, but I know it makes up the majority of Mt Git'r'Read in various locations in my house.
Now heading over to freshfiction to see about winning me a bracelet....
Vickie - yipee ! Cafe Heaven was the BOOK OF MY HEART. And the only non-romance I've gotten to do so far - even if there is a wee bit of um... desire for the unknown in there.
Thanks for taking a look at my fantasy. See me smiling? Really!
Actually, the shapeshifter is a Chimera. Instead of having three heads, he can turn into a Lion and a dragon (though not at the same time *g*) The regency ms. is unfortunately not done. I have written a contemporary paranormal about a descent of that character (that ms. is looking for a home*g*) If you like Paranormal Regencies, you might enjoy, THE TROUBLE WITH MOONLIGHT by Donna MacMeans.
Can you tell I used to be a librarian?*g*
Great post, Linda!
You already know how I feel about paranormal and I'm looking forward to reading Barbie and the Beast.
Yeah - Linda W is here. Three Lindas. That has to be magic, right?
HI Linda - I'm so glad you're going to read Barbie. Can't wait to hear what you think. I suppose all Linda's, of whatever spelling, have a great sense of humor, right?
Well, you all - I'm off now to take care of the acreage and have a meal. I'll check back again later on tonight. But if you're all asleep now, and no one posts again, I'll say goodnight here, in case. It's been fun. Happy to meet all of you. It would make me extremely happy if you'd give "BArbie & the Beast a whirl.
We're on Amazon and BN right now for advanced sale. And in two more weeks ...... eek.......
Barbie will walk the bookstore shelves! Yahoo.
Hugs -
Great post, Linda! Loved Blackout and can't wait to read Wolf Bait next. I'll be first in line at the local bookstore for Barbie and the Beast.
I also find anything I write ends up with a ghostie or beatie in there somewhere. But then, the best books always will! ;)
Thank you! Yay me!
I'll send an email from home as my work computer won't let me access your webpage where your email address must be...sigh....dagnab firewalls....
Keep on posting such themes. I like to read stories like that. By the way add more pics :)
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