Sunday, August 08, 2010

Guest Blogger: Louisa Kelley

The winner of Louisa's book is: Sarah Raplee. Congratulations, Sarah! Give me your contact information and I'll pass it along to Louisa. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Thank you Lynda, for inviting me to be here today!


This is a big shout out to all of your dragon lovers out there. Are you as crazy about dragons as I am?

As I am a paranormal romance author, I absolutely HAD to write a story about these myth-drenched creatures -- with my own special twist of course! As you can see from the cover of my book, Lydia and the Draca, this erotic paranormal story is about dragons; specifically, a clan of lusty shape-shifters called the Draca.

What on earth is so incredibly compelling and fascinating about the dragon mythology? Certainly I’ve asked myself that many times over the years, as my obsession with all things dragon has been with me since I started reading fantasy books in my childhood. And did dragons ever, really exist?

Here’s a quote from Wikipedia: “Statistically improbable, Dragons are the most likely impossible creature to exist, with a higher (though equally near infinite) improbability assigned to Fairies, Gnomes, Pixies, Witches, and Elves, in that order.”

Hmmm. Truly, they never existed? Sadly, probably not. However, the legendary powers and character aspects of dragons contain a powerful imagery that illuminates something deep in the human unconscious.

A dragon is a symbol of the raw, primal power of life itself. Left alone, it is dormant. Awake, it can manifest as the power of chaos and destruction. Yet, with guidance and education, the dragon's manifestation of power can be constructive, liberating, illuminating. Power of good and evil all encompassed in one entity — exactly the same for us human creatures. Human capacity for good is equal only to its capacity for evil and destruction. Both powers lay within our bodies and spirits, waiting only for the proper trigger to bring them forth.

Which do we choose? Evil or good? (Is there even a gray area anymore?) The mythology of dragons plays out our choices.

Oriental philosophies tended to portray dragons as kind, wise and in service to their enlightened masters. Occidental mythology portrays dragons as evil creatures, laying destruction where it dwells. Fire! Chaos! Death! Yet, in all cases, dragons are shown to have great power. Power that humans have difficulty taming, capturing or controlling. Don’t humans show the same difficulty taming our own destructive natures?

Tales of dragons span cultures and centuries. Almost every religion has stories involving dragons. There is a widespread belief that earlier cartographers used the Latin phrase: “hic sunt dracones” i.e., “the dragons are here, or “here be dragons,” to denote dangerous or unexplored territories on maps.

“Here be dragons” could be used in exactly the same way to denote the unexplored territories of our personal unconscious. When we really dig deep, down into our secret, hidden places, will our findings be dangerous? Exciting? Disastrous? Painful? Full of fire or full of illuminated light?

Which do we choose?

I happily took the entire dragon mythology to a different level, with the addition of the shape-shifter aspect, along with romance and sex. Was it hard to write a story like that? How about incredibly titillating, coming as it did from years of a crazy, secret, fantasy life! Dragons that can become human. Humans that become dragons. Dragons that can love in every possible way in all of their forms. Ahhh…yes!

For artistic inspiration, I use the fantastic dragon images of Ciruelo Cabral. In my opinion, he is one of the great masters of dragon art. I’ve got one of his dragons framed as my muse next to my writing desk.

Check out this site to see what I mean:

And just for fun, if you’re interested in ‘Discovering Your Inner Dragon” take the quiz found at: Discover Your Inner Dragon:

Louisa Kelley continues her obsession with dragons while she writes the second book in her series, “Tales of the Draca.” She'd love you to join her in some over-the-top erotic adventures with the Draca; dragon shape-shifters of a very different kind.

To learn more about Louisa, visit her website at:
Louisa will give away a copy of her book to one commenter. Her winner will be selected and posted on Tuesday evening. Stop back by to see if you won. (Louisa is at work all day and will check comments in the evenings.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Fascinating, Louisa. I never thought about the 'probability' of dragons. I'd heard that archaeologists found dinosaur bones in caves, along with bones of smaller creatures and humans, all layered in history, of course. But to the medieval people who wandered into the cave and found the bones together, it must have looked like the biggest creature ate the smaller ones. Thus, there be dragons. Anyway, love 'em, and love your take on the creatures.

8:54 AM  
Blogger amy kennedy said...

Louisa, very cool. I'm writing an Urban Fantasy with the main character as a shape-shifting dragon. I love what you said about dragons embodying both good and evil -- just like humans. Your take on the dragon mythology sounds super hot!

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love dragons! They may be the next "big thing."
Dragon shifters sounds great. I've read one book with a dragon shifter as a secondary character-- don't know if that author plans more. I'll definitely check out your book!

11:25 AM  
Blogger Sarah Raplee said...

Louisa, this was an interesting look at the history of the dragon mythology. loved your reference to the old-time map makers! Your books are a fresh take on this beloved creature.

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful post, extremely interesting.

I am a real dragon fan. I love dragon stories, dragon-shapeshifters are my all time fav!!!!

I collect dragon statues and I love watching films with dragons in them.

I would love to meet one!!

in Germany

12:21 PM  
Blogger Brandy B aka Brandlwyne said...

Hi. I love dragons. They are sooo beautiful, majestic and mysterious. They make things exciting. I love your book cover. Thank you for sharing with us today!!! I'm going to go take the quiz. Do you have a favorite kind of dragon???


1:01 PM  
Blogger Karen Michelle Nutt said...

Loved the post about Dragons.

I took the quiz, too. I'm a green dragon--Earth Elemental Dragon.

Thanks for sharing. :)

5:21 PM  
Blogger Linda Andrews said...

Very cool post! I liked the bits on the probability of dragons and the cartographers. I love dragons too and am looking forward to taking the quiz. Your book sounds great!

5:53 PM  
Anonymous Louisa Kelley said...

It is thrilling for me to find so many dragon lovers. Isn't it amazing how strongly dragons resonate in our culture? I think my favorite kind of dragon are the ones featured in Ciruelo's art. And of course, I always prefer the wise, sexy ones. Not the evil destroyers of mankind.

6:30 PM  
Blogger ladydi6497 said...

Wow, dragons are wonderful. I love dragons.

Thanks for writing about them.

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Louisa Kelley said...

I also would like to meet a dragon, LOL! Can you imagine how amazing that would be? How about ride one? Flying in the skies with a creature of fire and power- an image that lives eternally in my head, spilling over into my stories.

7:38 AM  
Anonymous Angelique Armae said...

Great post, Louisa! Dragons are a fabulous type of character to write.

10:58 AM  
Blogger N. R. Williams said...

Got in this one late. My congratulations to the winner. It is always fun to take a fantasy staple like dragons and make them more then they had previously been portrayed. Your books sound great.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the idea of the "kind, wise" dragons that are helpful. I didn't know about that history before.

9:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Lynda, I know Louisa personally, so you don't have to forward my information.

I'm very excited to win a copy of Louisa's book! Thanks.

3:51 PM  

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