Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guest Blogger: Erin Kellison

The winner of Erin's book is : Lil. Congratulations, Lil! Give me your contact info and I'll pass it along to Erin. Thanks to everyone who participated.Scared out of my mind

First of all, a great big thank you to Lynda for having me back! I’m offering a book to a commenter, so make sure to check back to see if you won.

Last night I was talking with my husband about movies that we watched in our formative years that had a lasting influence on us. We focused on horror. My husband’s was Nightmare on Elm Street. He watched it young and the movie haunted him for a while after that. I caught my first Elm Street as a teenager, and aside from lusting after Johnny Depp, I survived unscathed.

The movie that kept me up at night, sweating in fear, was called Changeling (not the Angelina Jolie one). I saw it when I was seven and just talking about it last night, I was scared all over again. The main actor is George C. Scott, and in the beginning of the movie he loses his family in a car crash. He moves into a historical mansion that is haunted by the (absolutely freak-ifyingly scary) ghost of a little boy. Don’t get me started on the wheelchair. (I’m alone while writing this, and now officially nervous there is something looming up behind me. Great.)

In my upcoming release, Shadow Bound, the main characters live in a renovated haunted hotel, and yes, it comes with a ghost child. Strange how those influences creep in. Below is the blurb for Shadow Bound, and if you want more information about me or my books, check out Oh! My haunted hotel, which has become a paranormal research center, soon will have its own website. And guess what? The little girl ghost haunts that, too.

My contest question: What was your first scary movie, and did it torture you, too?


Some people will do anything to avoid it. Even trade their immortal souls for endless existence.

Secretly, inexorably, they are infiltrating our world, sucking the essence out of unsuspecting victims with their hideous parody of a kiss.

Adam Thorne founded the Institute to study and destroy his monster of a brother, but the key to its success is held in the pale, slender hand of a woman on the run. There is something hauntingly different about Talia O’Brien, her unknowing sensuality, her uncanny way of slipping into Shadow.

This is the place between life and what comes after - a dark forest of fantasy, filled with beauty, peril, mystery. And Talia is about to open the door.

Erin's winner will be selected and posted on Tuesday evening. Stop back by to see if you won.


Blogger Candace said...

As a child I was more or less afraid of everything. While I have grown out of some of those fears a great many of them still remain. I cannot watch horror to this day as it will give me nightmares or keep me up all night unless I sleep with the light on.

The first one I can remember being scare of was actually "ET," if you can believe it or not. I'm not sure why I was afraid of that movie since there is nothing scary in it. But I don't think i've seen the movie from start to finish in more than ten years.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

The first scary movie I recall seeing was John Carpenter's The Fog. It scared the ever living hell out of me and I had nightmares for days.

The funny thing is that I love the movie now. It isn't scary at all any more. :-D


6:42 PM  
Anonymous Erin Kellison said...

Candace, I can believe being scared of ET. I was scared of Gremlins. My dad had to stand at the back of the theatre with me until it was over so my brothers could finish it.

Katie, I have never seen The Fog, but will have to Netflix it. :)

7:03 PM  
Blogger donnas said...

Your books sounds great. I am really looking forward to getting to read it. The first movie I can remember really scaring me was a made for TV movie called Bay Cove. It seriously freaked me out so bad. I found it in the cheap movie section a couple of years ago and its not so scarey anymore, its obviously an old made for TV movie with those type of effects and all. The other movie that really scared me and still does is The Exorcist. I seriously cant watch that one at all.

Donna S
bacchus76 at myself dot com

9:02 PM  
Blogger Cybercliper said...

My first scary movie was Halloween and after a couple of hours with Michael Myers, it was months before I'd go out after dark!

10:32 PM  
Blogger mariska said...

I remember i was so afraid but still want to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street.

And still love to watch the sequel even The Horror is still with me :)

uniquas at ymail dot com

10:39 PM  
Blogger tetewa said...

The Exorcist was my first. When I was younger my parents took me and my brother and sister to the drive-in and this was showing, it scared the crap out of me!

8:27 AM  
Anonymous Erin Kellison said...

I haven't seen The Horror (but love the title). I've seen bits of both Halloween and The Exorcist, and even those were glimpses between my fingers. Very scary.

OOO! One movie that started out scary but became too cool was The Others. Once I sensed the layers to the story, I was mesmerized.

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seriously avoided the black and white TV "chillers" my brother and sister loved to watch! My "first" was with my high school boyfriend, who took me to see "The Omen". I was scared out of my wits! My folks were out of town that night and I was afraid to stay in the house alone. Hmmmm... think the boy had a plan?

Erin, congratulations on you debut novel.


10:27 AM  
Anonymous Chelsea B. said...

Mine was Scream. First of all, people in masks scare me. They just do. And second, to this day I can't go into a bathroom stall without thinking about that scene....Well, I don't want to give away spoilers for anyone who has never seen it. Or freak anyone out ;-)

5:05 PM  
Blogger Rosie said...

My first movie that actually scared me to death with the Wizard of Oz . . . and it wasn't the Wicked Witch, it was the flying monkeys that got to me!! After I got over that, nothing bothered me and I'm a total horror geek. :-)

5:18 PM  
Blogger Linda Andrews said...

I love ghost stories and your sound fantastic! My first horror movie was the original Friday the 13th. It didn't scare me, just irritated me that there would be another. I like closure. The scariest movie i ever watched was Dawn of the Dead, the first one. I admit to being a zombie lover and zombies don't scare me. Even the zombies in DofD didn't scare me, but the notion that Hell filled up and all the bad people came back.... That still gives me the willies.

5:29 PM  
Blogger Lil said...

The first horror movie I saw was the last one I was willing to watch ever. I was very young and saw The Exorcist. It cured me of wanting to watch any kind of scary movie, again. And the strange thing is, I don't mink reading scary books.

5:33 PM  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

The movie that scared me as a kid was, the original War of the Worlds. The noise those alien machines made when they fired their weapons was scary to me.

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Erin Kellison said...

Congratulations, Lil! Once I get your contact info I'll send the book right away. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks to everyone else for your great comments! I've got some good scary movies to catch up on :)

7:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I saw bits and pieces of a number of horror flicks at parties or at school growing up, but my first full-length viewing of a "horror" flick was when I was around 12. Funny enough, it was The Blob, but I thought it was absolutely terrifying and kept the rest of the group up for a few more hours talking loudly, calling to the cat to come, trying to convince them we should stay up all night, etc. :) I'd probably laugh watching it now.

Erin, I loved reading your book! I'll probably post my review sometime next week.

10:34 PM  
Blogger KC said...

HA I didn't even think of E.T. until another commenter said that she was scared also. I remember being scared at that movie and I let my kids watch it. --- bad mom.

The scariest movie I remember, and it wasn't even a movie, but a TV show called Amazing Stories. One episode was named "Shadow man" and he lived under little kids beds. After wards my brother hid under my bed (we were home alone of course) and scared the hell out of me. I still get sick thinking about it.

Loved the book Erin and so glad that other people are also....
KC Klein

7:47 PM  

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