Saturday, August 13, 2005

Back In The Saddle Again

No, that's not referring to the old cowboy tune, but rather the '70s Aerosmith song. Imagine it turned up really, really loud as I flail about, playing air guitar. Especially the part where the lead singer rasps out "I'm baaaaaack." It's a good thing that "classic rock" radio still exists, because I don't think I've related to any music since the early '90s. I feel very lucky to have been around for the Beatles, Stones, Led Zepplin, Eric Clapton, the Eagles, Joanie Mitchell, Steeley Dan, Emmy Lou Harris, Bonnie Raitt, Linda Ronstadt, Pat Benatar, Heart -- on and on. I grew up in Detroit, so Motown was a huge influence (imagine the orgasmic voices of Smokey Robinson and Marvin Gaye floating out of the speakers). Awesome guitars, great voices and amazing harmonies. Anyway, I sorta went off track there. The "back in the saddle part" is about sitting my generous tush on the cush and putting some ideas for stories/books on paper. Or on the screen, whatever. I sent out another round of queries to various agents and editors and got one request so far for the full. One of my wonderful crit partners offered to speak to her editor at the e-pub she writes for on my behalf. So, who knows what could happen? Crank up that radio, will ya?


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