Saturday, July 09, 2005

A Little Rain, A Little Sunshine

Well. I heard back from both agents who'd requested fulls. No dice. Thanks, but no thanks. One told me that Vampire Shrink was actually a paranormal romance. I can honestly say she's the first person to ever stamp that label on it. Usually, people tell me why it ISN'T a paranormal romance and what I should do to correct that error. The other gave the very vague, "I just didn't love it enough to take it on." Several of my writer friends who had fulls at that agency got the same reply. Not much information to work with. I was disappointed and had a rough day yesterday -- second-guessing myself, my abilities, my worth, etc. But I feel better today. I have found a couple of other author/writers who are willing to read my story and give me feedback. I definitely need practice in separating my writing from me. But when I got home from my local Colorado Romance Writers chapter meeting today I found an email telling me that Vampire Shrink won first place in the paranormal category of the Fool for Love contest. The one judged by Anne Sowards. I'm hoping that if Anne passes on VS, she might tell me why.


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