Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My First Interview!

Romance at Heart Online Magazine interviewed me! I talked about "Diary of a Narcissistic Bloodsucker" and my novel, tentatively titled "The Vampire Shrink." Here's the link!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lynda,
I'm a fellow JABberwocky client and I've interviewed yet another. You are invited to my blog Getting Medieval to read my latest interview with Kat Richardson, author of the “urban fantasy/science fiction mystery” called Greywalker. It’s an insightful and gregarious interview of a writer who is on the cusp of her first book launch. Check it out.

Jeri Westerson
Getting Medieval www.jeriwesterson.typepad.com

10:12 AM  
Blogger Lynda Hilburn said...

Hi, Jeri: Thanks for writing! I spoke with Kat earlier in the year about the submission process and I'm so happy her book is about to be born. I actually got a sample chapter this past weekend at a writing conference. It was in a promo book with some other Ace/Roc authors. I'll check out your interview. Excellent. And good luck with all your projects!!

12:46 PM  

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