Vampire Monday: Louisa Bacio
Mythology surrounding vampires differs, though. A few believe that if a vampire drinks blood from a human who’s diseased, that vampire also will fall ill – maybe just not as seriously. I’d like to believe that the strength of the vampire will fight through the germs with super-antibodies.
When it comes down to it, most people fear death. I’m not talking those who are highly religious and “wait” to join God in the afterworld. (I’ve met people like that, and they are free to possess their own beliefs.) I’m talking about the average, every day person: We don’t want the (imagined) pain. We don’t want to give up the life that we know. We don’t want to lose those that we love.
Wait. What was that last point about losing those that we love? Oh, yes. That’s the thing about immortality. Would you want to spend FOREVER alone?
Death, especially to those who are young, sucks. I recently met a man in his mid-40s, and extremely good looking. He was caring for his two youngest children, a boy, 3, and a girl, 4. In a moment of quiet, another member of our group whispered to me that a year ago, his wife died, and he’s the father of six. What? How is that possible?
You don’t meet the person of your dreams, fall in love, get married, start a family . . . and then lose the other person. Life doesn’t work that way . . . but, unfortunately, sometimes it does.
So the other mainstay that goes along with immortality is the concept of that forever partner. A vampire doesn’t want to continuously lose those they love lifetime after lifetime. That’s why one of the most common themes within vampire fiction is finding that companion, whether it’s Dracula and misguided and misplaced love, or the Twilight series and its “forever love.”
We want that forever happily ever after. We want everlasting love.
Louisa Bacio writes erotic romance, many of which delve into the paranormal realm. Her fourth full-length novel The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf 2: Chains of Silver recently was released via Ravenous Romance. She also collects anthologies of vampire fiction. In addition to writing, Bacio enjoys spending time with her family, and teaches college English, writing and popular culture.
The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf: Chains of Silver
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